ARGH!! Why Won't my Baby Nap?! 5 Tips to Help Your Sanity... I Mean Help Your Baby Nap Longer

ARGH!! Why Won't my Baby Nap?! 5 Tips to Help Your Sanity... I Mean Help Your Baby Nap Longer

Baby naps… am I right? You know, those elusive moments of peace that are as rare as a quiet Saturday morning when you don't have kids. So, let's break down why your little one is pulling a Houdini after just 30 minutes of shut-eye.

First off, blame it on age. Babies are basically tiny nocturnal creatures with a circadian rhythm that's more confused than a cat trying to understand a cucumber. It's cool for them to catnap until around five to six months, but if your mini-me is still keeping it brief post that age, we might need to investigate.

Now, onto culprit number two – the lack of a nap time routine. It's like expecting a Broadway performance without a dress rehearsal. If you're racing around with your baby and suddenly expecting them to conk out, well, surprise, it's not happening. They need a proper wind-down routine, not a sprint to the finish line.

Number three, the sleep environment. If your baby's room resembles a sauna or a rave, you might be setting the stage for a power nap instead of a proper one. Create a sleep haven – dim the lights, control the temperature – you know, make it Insta-worthy for baby's snooze fest.

Next up, tiredness level. Your little one has wake windows, not Windows 10, but specific periods when they're ready to catch some Zs. If they're not tired enough, good luck convincing them to clock in some quality nap time.

And finally, the grand finale – dependency on sleep aids. If you're rocking, feeding, or doing interpretative dance to put your baby to sleep, you might be creating a tiny insomniac. Teach them the art of self-settling, so they can doze off like a pro without your nightly theatrics.

Getting your baby on a “normal” sleep schedule can be challenging at times, but please remember… you got this! And, you aren’t alone. We have a whole community of parents and professionals who are here to listen, talk to, and even ask questions. So stay connected 😊

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